The fifteenth Ahom king, Chuklenmung, died in 1552 AD. After his death, his eldest son Chukhampha ascended the Ahom throne. In history, His Majesty Chukhampha is also known as the King of Khora. A few days after his accession to the throne of the Ahom king, Swargadeo Chukhampha fell from an elephant while hunting in the forest and lost one of his legs. Hence, His Majesty Chukhampha was called the “King of Khora”. Swargadeo Chukhampha was the longest ruling king in the history of the Ahom kingdom. He was the king of the Ahom kingdom from 1552 to 1603 for about fifty-one (51) years. There were many significant events during the reign of His Majesty Chukhampha. During the reign of His Majesty Chukhampha, Choukham was the first to hold the title of Burhagohai and Chaoprete later succeeded him as Burhagohai. Tankham, who became the Bargohai of the Ahom during the reign of His Majesty Chuhungmu and Chuklenmung, also received the title of Bargohai in the royal court of His Majesty Chukhampha. Khamchino held the post of Bargohai for a few years.
Chukhampha or Khora King-sixteenth Ahom king